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Assalamualaikum.. Selamat Datang...
Hari Keputeraan KDYMM ke-61, 2007

A Picture tells a thousand stories

A Picture tells a thousand stories

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Round Parachutes

An American paratrooper using an MC1-1C series 'round' parachute

Round parachutes, which are purely drag devices (that is, unlike the ram-air types, they provide no lift ), are used in military, emergency and cargo applications. These have large dome-shaped canopies made from a single layer of triangular cloth gores. Some skydivers call them "jellyfish 'chutes" because they look like dome-shaped jellyfish. Rounds are rarely used by skydivers these days.

The first round parachutes were simple, flat circulars, but suffered from instability, so most military round parachutes are some sort of conical (i.e. cone-shaped) or parabolic (picture a flat circular canopy with an extended skirt) US Army T-10 parachute used for static-line jumps.

Round parachutes are designed to be steerable or non-steerable. Steerable versions are not as maneuverable as ram-air parachutes. An example of a steerable round is provided in the picture of the paratrooper's canopy; it is not ripped or torn but has a "T-U cut". This kind of cut allows air to escape from the back of the canopy, providing the parachute with limited forward speed. This gives the jumpers the ability to steer the parachute and to face into the wind to slow down the horizontal speed for the landing. The variables impact the way and the speed that the parachute falls, because it depends on the speed or the amount of force in the wind that might change how a parachute falls.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Parachuting Experience

My parachuting experience is never the same. Every time I jump off a plane brings new feelings. Most of the time it is the feeling of exhilaration, anxiety and excitement that creep in.

My job indeed has its risk. And the risk is that it could end my life completely if things don't go as planned. But alhamdullilah, with blessings from the Almighty, my life remain blessed. And with the right knowledge and training, I'm able to perform in my job very well.

Despite the danger attached to my job, I truly enjoy parachuting. The gush of air pushing against my whole body and face. My physical form gliding across the clouds and sky as if I was able to fly. The grounds getting closer and closer as I continue to fall further and further. And when I open the parachute, my whole body is jerked upwards.. as if lifted back into the clouds above bringing me back to a tint of normality. As I manouver my parachute enjoying the scenic view, my feet then finally touches the ground. Alhamdullilah, I'm home again.

That is the experience not many people can have. And I get to do it on a daily basis.

Love Match: Pisces Man and Cancer Woman

Both the Cancer woman and the Pisces man have an intuitive understanding of each other’s feelings.

The Pisces man knows how to please the Cancer woman and she knows what goes on behind his role-playing.

The Cancer woman - Pisces man combination is very private relationship, but one where the Cancer woman has to make the decisions if they’re ever going to get out of the house or on to the next party.

Zodiac: Pisces

Pisces the FishComparison with its symbol, the Fish: Pisces is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions. Pisceans often feel like they are being pulled in different directions, making it difficult to make concrete decisions. The symbol of the fish has been associated with followers of Jesus Christ.

The glyph for Pisces can be seen as depicting two fish swimming in opposite directions. As well, it shows two crescents of receptivity pointing outwards, held together by the line of matter. The sign of Pisces is considered a receptive sign--one that is impressionable, spiritual, and open-minded.

People born under the sign of Pisces are very sensitive. They have thin skin and take over the mood of other people. Thus Pisces are dependent on the atmosphere about them. They instantaneously react to words or the tone of speaking. They are sympathetic and cannot stand seeing people suffer. Therefore Pisces are active in social spheres. They possess vivid imagination and artistic skills. The other side of Pisces can sometimes be revealed through alienation towards the world and some might even become chaotic personalities. Pisces can hardly distance themselves from the surrounding thus they need to have a calm place where they could relax and be inspired again. Some space where they could often retreat is vitally necessary to them. While placing very high standard requirements on themselves Pisces can easily become sick. Then they need piece and quietness.

Compatibility with Dragon..

  • Highly Compatible - Rat, Monkey, Tiger;
  • Amicable - Pig;
  • No Conflict but needs some effort - Rooster, Horse;
  • Lack of Sympathy - Dragon, Rabbit, Goat;
  • Antagonistic - Ox, Dog;