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Assalamualaikum.. Selamat Datang...
Hari Keputeraan KDYMM ke-61, 2007

A Picture tells a thousand stories

A Picture tells a thousand stories

Monday, June 18, 2007

Proper Gears

Proper gear protects lives of parachuters and they in fact put their lives in the hands of the gear, so to speak. Now you can see the importance of proper parachuting jumpsuits.

Jumpsuits tend to be made in two general styles. They can be made of special slippery fabrics and tailored tight around the body for faster speeds, or they can be designed in that typical MC Hammer baggy fashion with canvas-like material to help slow down fall speeds.

Other clothing that doubles as protective and practical gear includes a helmet and goggles. Helmets are mandatory clothing for beginner jumpers, but don’t be embarrassed if you happen to be one, most experts wear them too. You can even individualize yours, choosing from styles like old leather football helmets to hard, motorcycle-like helmets. Depending on your helmet, you may need to protect your eyes with goggles.

The pants, suits, and helmets are just one aspect of your required equipment. Other gear includes an automatic activation device (or AAD). which helps to safeguard you in case you drop too low in altitude without pulling your cord, the AAD does it automatically for you. Also, there is the reserve static line (or RSL). which is another safety device. The RSL is your lifeline and pull cord for your reserve parachute.

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